At the end of last year, the construction site of the pea protein factory was opened in Jelgava, where active construction works have already started. The total cost is estimated at 150 million euros.
Pērnā gada nogalē svinīgā ceremonijā atklāts zirņu proteīna rūpnīcas, kuras tapšanā plānots ieguldīt 150 miljonus eiro, būvlaukums Jelgavā, kur šobrīd jau notiek aktīvi būvdarbi.
Activity 4: Application of the Extruded Pea Fiber Product prototype in production of meat substitute and flour products
Periodā no 02.06.2024 – 01.11.2024 veiktie darbi un sasniegtie rezultāti: Projekta līguma Nr.: Kopējās atbilstošās izmaksas pētniecības projektam: EUR 244,000.00 Atveseļošanas […]
Activity 3: Evaluation of the Quality of Extruded Pea Fiber Products
Research Project No 21: Development and application of pea shell extrusion products in the food industry. Progress Report.
Research Project No 21: Development and application of pea shell extrusion products in the food industry. Progress Report.
Activity 2: Development of Technological Process Parameters for Pea Husk Extrusion
Research Project No 21: Development and application of pea shell extrusion products in the food industry. Progress Report.
Pētniecības Projekta Nr. 21: Zirņu apvalku ekstrūzijas produktu izstrāde un pielietojumspārtikas rūpniecībā. Progresa ziņojums
Pea protein : clean label, insoluble fiber. Digestibility 96+/-1% balanced amino acid profile Improved muscle growth feelings of fullness heart […]
Chicken liver pate we always assume that fat and protein source – ASNS ingredients offer different view of this product […]
burgers, mince meat, pate, etc. The pea is… perfectly adapted to the European climate a great source of iron and […]
Main challenges when enrich product with pea products: Opening the “label- friendly” discussion with our customers. What are they looking […]
In order to expand our production capacity, ASNS Ingredient has acquired land plot and completed first stage of civil engineering […]